Shaun Roach Assistant Chief of Police . Police picked up a resident on a failure to appear warrant from Garland County. Read more E-edition. Officers responding to a report of a woman screaming and cursing in a home on Arias Way conducted a welfare check and contacted LifeNet. Posted Tuesday, November 22, 2022 2:46 pm. m. 8 a. m. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department responded to several reports of “fireworks displays” inside the Village (and not at Balboa Beach) over the holiday weekend, and. Loss: $210. The Hot Springs Village Voice reached out to public services director Ken Unger for updates on current and future paving information. to 4 p. Highway 7, Hot Springs Village, AR 71909Hot Springs Village police report Dec. Hot Springs Village Property Owners’ Association contracts with LifeNet Inc. Woman faces felony battery for alleged injuries to daughter. Online Editor. In other news: April 6. Got news? Need an ad? Use this number if you are uncertain to whom your question should be addressed: (501) 623-6397 Address: 3576 N. 11. STOP. Saturday, July 22, 2023Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department were asked to assist LifeNet on several occasions with patients that were either combative or having mental issues. Police Report 5. Dennis was the best father and devoted his life. comHot Springs Village police served a felony warrant and received theft reports, scam reports, dog complaints, worked several wrecks and made a number of welfare checks. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department were called to a home on Pyrenees Way three times over the last week, and the third time was the charm – one of the residents was arrested. 23. was picked up on a misdemeanor Hot Springs failure-to-appear warrant that had been issued last Sept. They conducted four welfare checks, assisted LifeNet with medical emergencies, responded to 911 hang-up calls, and removed trees. Posted Tuesday, April 25, 2023 10:01 am. HSV Junior golf starts the 2023-2024 season next week. 11. 18. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. 2. Brad Whiley, Administrative Commander Shawna Yonts, and Police Chief Kristi Bennett (Mary Eliades photo). 29. Yonts brings a wealth of experience to the department. Currently viewing stories posted within the past 2 years. Orientation will be June 5 at 4:00 pm at thế Balboa Pavillion. 23. Police were contacted about people out on Isabella Golf Course in the middle of the night (2:48 a. Browse other issues Police report. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department were busy with welfare checks (at least eight), 911 hangup calls, business and residential alarms (all false), plus the following: Feb. 23. m. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department responded to at least five calls about problems at the gates (stuck open, not working), assisted with several medical emergencies, conducted welfare checks, and chased down 911 hang-up calls. Highway 7 Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Phone: 501-623-6397 Email: [email protected]. Police were called to the scene of a two-vehicle accident, with injuries,. m. The purse contained a significant amount of cash, gold, jewelry, and a man’s wallet. A man contacted police to report that his female partner was having “an episode” and hitting him. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. 23. A body was found in a bed in the home and removed by the Saline County coroner. - 5 p. Fx: (800) 878-3167. 23. He attended Rice University, receiving a BA and BS in Electrical Engineering. Also:The officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department are its greatest resource, and Chief Kristi Bennett has just increased that value by hiring Shawna Yonts as administrative commander. Mike Kliewer joined Police Chief Kristi Bennett to discuss ways to avoid thefts. m. After years in California and. The family pastor came over to calm things down and the son. The Hot Springs Village Police Department investigated a few 911 hang-up calls and welfare checks, and: June 23 Officers responded to a report of a man “fishing and burning something under. He was born July 9th, 1936, in Alto TN. 22Police made two unrelated DWI arrests, in Hot Springs Village Police Department reports. Another busy week for officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department,. Avila said there has been a. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. The latest on marketing HSV. Among other calls during the holiday week, the Hot Springs Village Police Department responded to issues at the gates, public intoxication, and a possible break-in. They responded to at least six residential alarms, conducted four welfare checks, assisted motorists and removed trees from roadways. They also performed welfare checks and investigated 911-hangup calls. Posted Tuesday, May 2, 2023 10:03 am. 9. Bettye Jo Webb. is committed to better communication with the public and would like to make residents aware of the correct way to report emergencies. There were two hospice deaths. 23. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department assisted motorists. View this issue. The complainant arranged to meet the seller, explained what happened, and got the purses back. A complaint of loud music brought officers to Lena Lane, where the residents said they’d be shutting down the party at 8:30. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department assisted motorists. Sept. Gaddy, 87, of Hot Springs Village, Arkansas passed away May 27, 2023. We have our own police department with 19 certified officers. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. Police conducted several welfare checks, took reports. Ted was born in Lakewood, Ohio and moved to Houston, Texas with his family when he was in junior high school. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. Thursday, June 29, 2023• Police drove to a Seville Lane home after a 911 hangup call at 10:04 p. Det. Find Hot Springs. June 24 • An Ona Circle resident turned down his music in the garage after learning of an 11:32. By MARY ELIADES, Voice correspondent-A few local dogs, apparently irritated over having their Halloween party shut down, ran amok, barking and biting their way through the Village and generally causing mayhem. ”. Posted Tuesday, January 10, 2023 2:44 pm. In a conversation with the POA’s communications and revenue growth specialist Pam Avila, the Voice learned details of what’s being done to get knowledge of Hot Springs Village out to the masses. 22. Sampsel, 92, of Hot Springs Village, passed away July 9, 2023. Gaddy. July 18, 2023. at Alicante Road located a vehicle matching the description of the hitter/runner in the woods north of DeSoto. HoursAnn Penwell of Hot Springs Village entered her Heavenly Home on June 10, 2023. 23. 23. 23. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department conducted many welfare checks over the past week, followed up on half a dozen 911 hang-up calls, and responded to several residential alarms. Also: …The Hot Springs Village Voice reached out to public services director Ken Unger for updates on current and future paving information. Police Report 11. ), talking loudly and maybe playing golf. 18A Tomino Way resident reported the theft of two gazing balls, with stands, and a brass sundial from his yard. They also helped first responders with medical emergencies, checked out 911 hang-up calls, and responded to business and residential. Whether things are being thrown from car windows or flying out of the back of pick-up trucks (unsecured loads), officers will issue citations if they catch offenders in the act. Police Report 7. Hot Springs, AR 71901. They responded to the usual 911 hang-up calls, welfare checks, and residential alarms, and assisted LifeNet …Police Report 5. Police Report 6. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department assisted motorists, responded to problems with a couple of the gates, helped remove trees from roads, conducted welfare checks, checked out 911 hang-up. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department responded to several welfare checks over the last week, searched for barking dogs, and assisted with downed trees. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department assisted motorists, responded to problems with a couple of. Bettye Jo Tinnin Webb, 81, of Hot Springs Village, passed away on Monday, June 19, 2023. Kelly Hale – praises staff, embraces community spirit. 28. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. Hot Springs Village Voice. Bob was a graduate of Huntsville School in. Police Report 7. m. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department assisted motorists. Officers saw a 12-pack of empty beer cans in the car and the female driver admitted to having two drinks at a restaurant/bar across from the West Gate (had to keep the 12-beer buzz going). Police were called to a verbal. 4. By MARY ELIADES. Police Report 7. Police Report; Education; Obituaries; Entertainment; Weather & Road Conditions; Photo Galleries; Free Online Games; Sports School; Golf; Opinion Letters; E-Edition 2023 HS Village Voice E-Editions; 2022 HS Village Voice E-Editions;. Sgt. The Hot Springs Village Police Department investigated a few 911 hang-up calls and welfare checks, and: June 23 Officers responded to a report of a man “fishing and burning something under. Officers responded to a report of a man “fishing and burning something under the bridge” near a church on Balboa Road; the man was escorted out of the Village. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department responded to several reports over the last week involving juveniles, two of which allegedly involved sexual. Police Report 7. 18. Police Report 6. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. July 18, 2023. A few tailgating incidents were reported, as well as vehicles that entered the Village without authorization. 6. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department were called to a home on Pyrenees Way three times over the last week, and the third time was the charm – one of the residents was arrested. Footprints led to a home on Soldado Lane with out-of-state vehicles in the driveway, but the residents refused to answer the door. 23It was a relatively quiet week for officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department. 8 a. Police Report 7. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department were busy over the last week with the usual alarms, 911 hang-ups, tailgaters, etc. In addition:Police Report; Education; Obituaries; Entertainment; Weather & Road Conditions; Photo Galleries; Free Online Games; Sports School; Golf; Opinion Letters; E-Edition 2023 HS Village Voice E-Editions; 2022 HS Village Voice E-Editions;. July 14. The Property Owners’ Association on Sept. LifeNet took a westbound Villager who had run off DeSoto Boulevard, near Toledo Drive, to a Hot Springs hospital after the 10:20 a. 24-27. 23. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department had a busy week, relocating visiting bats, checking on houses with open doors and lights on, responding to 911 hang-up calls, and removing …The officer found a 9mm SIG Sauer that had been reported stolen in Little Rock, with 14 rounds. Read more E-edition. Check out our HSPD Organizational Chart. 641 Malvern Avenue. Wayne Hill and Det. 20. to William and Verbie (Gipson) Hendley. Det. 23. Police Report 11. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department conducted four welfare checks, assisted with three medical emergencies, responded to alarms and 911 hang-up calls, and assisted motorists. Police were contacted about a “public urinator” at the Village Shell station but were not able to locate the man. They also conducted at least seven welfare checks, helped. Accident Reports (Available 3-5 days after accident) - $10. A resident contacted police after he saw someone taking stuff from a construction site on Hartura Point. Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2023 9:54 am. The Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association, in conjunction with the Hot Springs Village Police Department, recently hosted “Coffee with a Cop,” an informative program on holiday safety – online, at home, and while shopping. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department conducted several welfare checks and investigated alarms, as well as: March 9. Police responding to a hit-and-run on DeSoto Blvd. He attended. 21. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Office: (501) 623-6397. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department chased down the usual 911 hang-up calls, assisted motorists, checked out reports of noisy parties, dealt with downed trees, and: A few more details about last week’s felony drug bust: On June 27, an officer on patrol saw a car enter through the. 23. 27. Police Report 4. Hot Springs Village police arrested a 35-year-old man for DWI after a Thanksgiving Day wreck, found an El Salvador man pinned under a vehicle after another man fled the wreck scene, investigated. Another relatively quiet week for officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department. July 18, 2023. By MARY ELIADES Voice correspondent. July 18, 2023. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department conducted the usual welfare checks, removed downed trees, assisted motorists, responded to alarms, and assisted with medical emergencies. Keon Daewon Fudail, of the 7600 block of Chicot Road, said he had bought it from a friend and did not know it was stolen. Over the last week, officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department assisted motorists, conducted welfare checks, assisted LifeNet with medical emergencies, moved trees, and checked out 911-hangup calls. Hot Springs Village police arrested Fudail for felony theft by receiving and he was taken to Garland County jail. Hot Springs Village, AR 71909 Office: (501) 623-6397. Chief of Police. Hint: look for the guy running down the street with an open fly. A Chevrolet pickup and a Ford car. The committee to Keep the Village Beautiful, along with the Hot Springs Village Police Department, is asking residents to please stop littering. Fingerprinting Services - $10 (temporarily halted duePolice Report 5. Posted Friday, March 12, 2021 4:27 pm. Officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department refereed a couple of neighbor disputes, conducted welfare checks, and checked out residential alarms, as well as: Sept. July 6 Officers were called to the scene of a rear-ender at DeSoto Blvd. The Hot Springs Village Voice reached out to public services director Ken Unger for updates on current and future paving information. The Hot Springs Village Voice caught up with Village GM Kelly Hale to find out what’s on his mind these days. LEWIS DELAVAN, Staff writer-. Hale began by saying, “2023 has been a very challenging year for the community as we. Several alcohol-related domestic violence incidents and noise complaints were among calls worked by the Hot Springs Village Police Department recently. View this issue. Hot Springs Village Voice. Reports include arrest logs, mugshots, bookings and more. Read more E-edition. , to be exact – not 11:30 p. Unusually cold weather kept officers of the Hot Springs Village Police Department busy last week, conducting welfare checks (at least 17), removing trees from roadways, and assisting motorists. Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday. 25.