Bossley park preschool. Latitude: -33,866199. Bossley park preschool

 Latitude: -33,866199Bossley park preschool 44km

Property data for 150 Mimosa Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Opening times:. 0. 3 houses have open for inspections this week. Properties neighbouring 82 Glen Logan Road. Bossley Park Preschool. Property data for 18A Pharlap Street, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Learn more about our schools data. Formerly at this. The Kinder Garden. Bossley Park Preschool. 34km. 0 Average score. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. 0. Exceeding NQS-No user reviews. 31km. Property data for 3 Wewak Place, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Median price. 1. Off market. Property data for 123 Mimosa Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. 0. Opening times: Not Available. Youtube; Facebook; Instagram; Twitter; We would like to pay our respects and acknowledge the traditional. 0 (1) 5. The Centre caters for 60 children divided in 3 groups, by their age and level of. 16km. Off market. May 2022 - May 2023. Opening times: Not Available. Learn more about our schools data. Acknowledgement of Country. Licensed for 37 Children. $955,500. Longitude: 150,88375. The Kinder Garden. 37km. Opening. The average NQS Rating for Bossley Park is Meeting National Quality. 01km. 23km. address 36-44 Prairievale Road Bossley Park NSW 2176 telephone 02 9823 1033 email bossleypk-h. 27km. Opening times: Not Available. Properties neighbouring 47 Yakima Avenue. 0. 41km. Kynd Montessori Learning Centre. Opening times: Not Available. Property Value. Our philosophy is to provide a high quality service that values and supports the foundation of early childhood education for children, families, educators, carers and community members regardless of family structure, cultural and religious backgrounds. Price insights for 3 bedroom houses in Bossley Park. 00 pm, Monday to Friday. Bossley Park Preschool. Bossley Park Preschool. Bossley Park Preschool (located on the grounds of Bossley Park Public School) 62-68 Bossley Road, Bossley Park 2176 View Map Sunday Closed Monday 09:00 AM–03:30. 6%. REVIEWS-No user reviews. Opening times: Not Available. Opening times: Opening Early 2024. Bossley Park Preschool. 6%. About our school. 2 Todd Place. Bossley Park Preschool. Your search results include the following suburbs: Abbotsbury, Bossley Park, Edensor Park, Prairiewood, St Johns Park and Wakeley. Menu. $966,000. Opening times: Not Available. 0. 0. edu. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Property data for 9 Bettong Cres, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Down -2. The preschool, which was funded through the NSW Department of Education’s capital works program, replaces the 20-place mobile preschool that. 6%. Down -1. NSW. 42km. Price insights for 3 bedroom houses in Bossley Park. 42km. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. 8%. 0. Menu. edu. 76km. 0. Opening times: Not Available. About our school. 61km. It is managed by Fairfield City Council and operates between 9am and 3pm Monday to Thursday. 0. Properties neighbouring 144 Bossley Road. 0. 68A. Published on 07 November 2019. 0. Off. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. 0. Kids World Kindy provides a nutritious and delicious menu for children aged 0 to 5 years. POA. Bossley Park Preschool. Latitude: -33,866199. Bossley Park Preschool. Focussing on excellence and success. Lunch is supplied by Kids Gourmet Food, a catering company that uses high-quality, fresh ingredients and a broad. Learn more about our schools data. Learn more about our schools data. 24 Apache Road. Property data for 144 Bossley Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Leading Edge Childcare - Bossley Park. Property data for 11 Ballina Place, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. The Kinder Garden. 06km. Parent and carer information. Menu. Property data for 129 Mimosa Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. $955,500. 58km. Off market. Learn more about our schools data. Greenfield Village Childcare Centre. 75km. List contains both National and International Schools in Bossley Park City of Fairfield covering list of Playschool/Pre School/Pre Primary, Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools and K12 Schools. Opening times: Not Available. Opening times: Not Available. 111 Mimosa Road. 35km. Acknowledgement of Country. Back to top. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Down -2. Leading Edge Childcare - Bossley Park. 0. 0. Opening times: Not Available. Get directions. Property data for 90 Bossley Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Bossley Park Preschool. Opening times: Not Available. Opening times: Opening Hours 7. Off market. Montessori Academy Bossley Park - Opening Early 2024. 0. Bossley Park Preschool. The construction is complete, the boxes of equipment have arrived and VERY SOON we will be open for business. Bossley Park Preschool. The preschool, which. The Kinder Garden. Learn more about our schools data. 62-68 Bossley Road, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Off market. Opening times: Not Available. 55km. Kids World Kindy - Bossley Park. 54km. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Early. Bossley Park Preschool. Opening times: Not Available. Property data for 1 Todd Place, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. 12km. Long Day Care; an Early Learning Program; A2Z Learning Centre Pty Ltd. Exceeding NQS-No user reviews. 27 Salter Road. 86km. 0. Property data for 3 Sharon Close, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. 67km. A2Z Learning Centre - Bossley Park. 54 Toddler 2 to 3 years. 18km. Bossley Park Preschool. $75. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. $1,072,000. Opening times: Not Available. 11km. Price insights for 3 bedroom houses in Bossley Park. Bossley Park Preschool. 1K views, 26 likes, 2 loves, 1 comments, 5 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Fairfield City Council: Accessing affordable, quality preschool is now easier for families in and around Bossley Park. Price insights for 4 bedroom houses in Bossley Park. 04km. 27km. The Kinder Garden. . Opening times: Not Available. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. 0. Based on comparable sales, past sales and property features of 1 Manna Place Bossley Park NSW the estimated value is $1,176,776 with a potential rental income of $830 per week. Opening times: Not Available. 70km. Opening times: Not Available. Rating: Exceeding NQS. 0. Montessori Academy Bossley Park - Opening Early 2024. Learn more about our schools data. Property data for 3 Dashmere Street, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Off market. Opening. 2,532,544. Opening times: Not Available. We would like to pay our respects and. Last updated in June 2019 . Opening times: Not Available. Properties neighbouring 11 Alamein Road. The Kinder Garden. School planning and reporting; Location and transport; Enrolment; School bell times; Financial contributions and assistance;A new council run preschool has been opened in the New South Wales suburb of Bossley Park, thanks to funding from the NSW Department of Education’s capital works program. Philosophy. Off market. View sold price history for this house & median property prices for Bossley Park, NSW 2176. Down -6. 0. Official page for parents and students to keep up to date with events, programs and resourcesProperty data for 11 Kosciusko Street, Bossley Park, NSW 2176. REVIEWS-No user reviews.