If Ketu lies in the eighth house, epidemic diseases are caused. Rahu and Ketu dasas also yield moderate results based on the houses they occupy and conjunctions. Air fans the fire so people born with Rahu in Aries are often quite aggressive. Offering prayers to Surya promotes power, authority, bravery, and leadership and brings name, fame, and success in business or career and removes health issues. So, beneficial results are expected at these signs. This is the 19 years time period of hard work and persistence. If the planet is well placed then the person is bestowed with highest honors, achievements and success. The Positive Effects of Ketu Mahadasha. Rahu Mahadasha is a period in Vedic Astrology that lasts for 18 years and is ruled by the planet Rahu. Person attains growth and lots of wealth. In Rohit’s horoscope, Rahu aligns with Jupiter and Venus. राहु महादशा का प्रभाव और उपाय Rahu Mahadasha Effects and Remedies. Rahu in 11th House Sagittarius Ascendant. Rahu or the North Node of the Moon, the chaya graha-shadowy planets, rules three Nakshatras Aridra, Swati and Satabhisha. 00 PM in Delhi and his chart reads as such: Lagna – Leo, Sun - Libra, Mars, Mercury, Ketu - Scorpio, Venus - Sagittarius, Moon - Capricorn. My name is Sunny born on 20th May 1984 at 5:30pm in bombay. and completely gets blinded by the worldly pleasures that one loses the sense of. Updated: 03 Mar 2022 2:17 pm. यदि rahu dasha आपकी कुंडली में अशुभ फल दे रही है तो आपको राहु बीज मंत्र ( Rahu Beej Mantra ) का रोज़ 11 या 108 बार जाप करना चाहिए। 2. Sun Mahadasha/main period follows the Venus Mahadasha and lasts for 6 years with the following antardasha/sub-periods. Saturn is badly placed from Rahu in the chart. The person suffers from various types of problems during the period. A good effect can include an increase in wealth and property gains. Interest in philosophy, yoga, meditation, religion develops. They have strong desires and high aspirations. For one born in the dasa of Venus, Rahu dasa will be fifth and. Therefore there will be setbacks, poor health and worries in this period. Mercury, in general, is considered to be a positive planet, often named as the Messenger of God. The commencing dasha or mahadasha at the time of birth will be that of the lord of the nakshatra in which the Moon is placed, which particular nakshatra is known as the "Janma nakshatra". Rahu Graha in the Anatardasha will be there for 3 yearsThe planet Rahu is one of the most malefic planets in our astrological arena and is perceived to bring most of adverse impacts upon human life. 3) Rahu is strong in Taurus, Gemini. Benefic Rahu Mahadasha. Dasa is a planetary cycle that starts based on the placement of Moon in a star at the time of birth. It is a. Rahu makes the native skillful in manipulation. These are emotions which we feel when Rahu is standing on our head in its full. While running the. He was born into Shukra-Rahu bhukti, and a prominent Rahu-10 governments casting drishti into yogakaraka Kumbha-Shukra-2 defined his relationship to institutional finance. The expenditure in this period will be on the higher side. 1730 - 1770). Jupiter In Fourth House. RAHU MAHADASHA. my date of birth is 23-08-1990. It can bring phenomenal result during the Budh Mahadasha and Antardasha. You were always a mature and responsible little person even as a child. This stone can be a boon for the person born in Virgo ascendant as the planet mercury is the lord of Lagna (ascendant) and 10 th house which is the most beneficial planet for the native. The native may also suffer from high fever, chest pains, eye troubles, headaches, stomach ailments, accidents, loss of father, theft, and danger from reptiles. Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury is the sequence of occurrence of Dasha in a lifetime. It represents the ascension of the Moon in its precessional orbit around the Earth, also referred as the north lunar node, and along with. When. It is a period in which one loses the direction of life and cannot differentiate right from wrong. If it is in exaltation, it will bring beneficial results during its period. About Puja. Based on. Ketu Mahadasha – Rahu Antardasha: 1: 0: 18: Ketu Mahadasha – Jupiter Antardasha: 0: 11: 16: Ketu Mahadasha – Shani Antardasha: 1: 1: 9: Ketu Mahadasha – Mercury Antardasha: 0: 11: 27: I have seen Ketu give almost uniform results to most of the natives. It is considered as a malefic planet in Vedic Astrology but, on the other hand,. Astrology can provide guidance and insight into favourable and unfavourable periods for various events, including marriage. These are the extended versions of the Mahadasha. A particular stretch of time in an individual's lifespan is ruled by a particular planet. RAHU’s ANTARDASHA IN THE MAHADASHA OF KETU. Please refer to this link RAHU MAHADASHA. Hello. The Mahadasha that is operational at the time of our birth depends on the longitude of the Moon in the sidereal zodiac at the time we were born. Ketu Mahadasha: Good Effects. > Debilitated planet will give – bad result. Some people intentionally do this because they want to clear difficult karma quickly and efficiently, but most people don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a. During the Mahadasha of Chandra the planet Moon will not bring good result unless it is placed in a beneficial house like in Cancer, Taurus or Kendra and Trikon. The order of vimshottari dasha has been described above. There may be fear from thieves, powerful persons, poison and. Beneficial Rahu can compel you to make pilgrimages as well. Shukra Mahadasha and Antardasha. Get the free consultation for first 5 mins. Saturn is known for judgments and is known as the judge amongst the other planets. Any advice? my chart. Venus Mahadasha is having the longest timespan of 20 years compared to all other mahadashas. Note that no nakshatra is called dosha or yoga nakshatra. Rahu Mahadasha is considered a very bad phase in a person’s horoscope and it is for 18 years. It usually represents love, beauty, compassion, luxuries, and enjoyment in life. When will i get a job according to my date of birth. WHAT IF A NATIVE IS BORN WITH RAHU MAHADASHA? In my experience, I have seen the native born with rahu mahadasa falls ill regularly during that period. The Nodes, called Ketu and Rahu in Hindu astrology, are points of intersection between the path of the Moon along with the apparent path of the Sun in the sky. Rahu is known to confer malefic effects in general and is considered as a planet which induces laziness, delays, and hurdles in work. Its seen that the diagnosis becomes difficult for doctor and that's the reason why the person visit. To get rid of the malefic effects of Rahu, Ketu and Rahu Mahadasha in the upcoming year, Participate in the Rahu Ketu Shanti Yagya and Rudrabhishek Puja conducted with Vedic Mantras and Beej Mantras in Shri Navgrah Mandir, Prayagraj on the auspicious occasion of Ashlesha Nakshatra, July 19, 2023. Rahu Mahadasha (Rahu Mahadasha) : 18 years ; Mars Mahadasha (Mangal Mahadasha) : 7 years ; Mercury Mahadasha (Budh Mahadasha) : 17 years ; All the years sum up to become 120 years in total. Shani Mahadasha – Shani (Saturn) is for 19 years. Rahu-Ketu Dasha: Under Ketu Bhukti hurt, caused due to fire or weapons, the native suffers from loss of a son, loss of reputation, theft, pain in the body, diseases, and fever due to disease in anus or excess of wind. If Running dasha planet is placed in exalted or debilitated or friendly or enemy sign based on that you’ll get good or bad or mixed result that is the basic rule –. The Vedic astrologers stated that the Mool Nakshatra correlates with being sincere, grounded, analytical, and curious. Many other factors also work behind this. Thus, despite being born in an average family, Rohit could rise so well in the field of cricket. Scorpio Ascendant sign is a watery, fixed and feminine sign; even sign; black in colour; long ascendantension; calm, authority and pride,. Which remedies are good for rahu mahadasha. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, which represents susceptibilities and Rahu gives illusions. Apart from this, their inclination towards wrong deeds and wrong activities also start increasing. There are strong chances that if you are in Ketu Mahadasha, which runs for 7 years, then you will not be very willing to live a marital life. Thus the Antardasha of the Sun in Mahadasha of Venus will be 12 months or. However, if Jupiter is in Sagittarius or Pisces when a Gemini-born has Jupiter. The natives of Rahu in 2nd house may even suffer from personality disorders. It can bring out both best and worst out of your fate, in personal life or otherwise. Venus would endow the person with the treasury of jewels and precious. 18 YEARS. The ruling planet of the gomed stone is the Planet Rahu. He will own many houses and commercial. Cancer is a water sign and when Rahu is located in the Cancer zodiac, it makes the natives highly slobbery and caring. Ketu Maha Dasha mental agony and lack of happiness too. Answer (1 of 3): Hello!:) The question I first want to ask you is what do you mean with unproductive? Unproductive in what way? Then I would also like to tell you that you already are in Rahu mahadasha since 2015 (starting at age 22,5 and ending at 40). • Helps in spiritual growth and enlightenment of the native. Also, bathing in water mixed with milk for 43 days is another easy rahu remedy to pacify anger and aggression. An online Astrologer suggested me to wear Gomed since I am in Rahu Mahadasha. Depending on which Nakshatra your Moon is in at. Rahu stands for illusion, delusion, indecisiveness, confusion, and wrongdoings. Rahu in both Dasa and Bhukti worsens the malefic effect. the 10th or 11th house, the native will acquire a kingdom in his dasa. Pisces Ascendant or Meen Lagna is a watery, common and feminine sign; double-fish in shape; even sign; grey in colour; fruitful sign; short ascendantension; live sign; generous, obedient, calm and intelligent in nature; improve and develop things; ocean, sea, fish ponds, clay pits, oil fields, salt-beds, ports, jails, tanneries, TWELVTH sign of. Venus-Ketu Dasha: Ketu lying in good places from Venus or the Lagna indicates defeat to enemies, business prosperity, etc. People born in Leo Ascendant (Simha Lagna) will have favorable vimsottari dasas of Sun, Mars and Jupiter. How To Calculate Duration Of Antardasha. The Antardasha planets will have an influence on the main. How will be Rahu mahadasha if Rahu is placed in 10 th place ( uttarashadha nakshatra)is in Makar Rashi. Depending on which lunar mansion/nakshatra you were born in you will experience the planetary dashas/periods. Saturn Mahadasha indeed brings certain ups and downs in life depending on the placement of Saturn in your horoscope. Feed birds daily once in a day. There are high chances that during this Mahadasha you will experience a very. If badly placed, this planet will accordingly bring misery, conflicts, downfalls, difficulties and even death. Favourable. Activate rahu characteristic through positive karmic deeds such learning foreign languages, unorthodox person. MERCURY MAHADASHA. Rahu is a malefic planet, and this association brings negative impacts to one’s life. 17 YEARS. Rahu Mahadasha – Result and Effect of Rahu Dasha for. The duration of antardasha are fixed just like period of mahadasha and is calculated by following formula. Some might benefit from this positively, while for others the period may pile up disasters, further for some the effects might be mild. See moreAnswer (1 of 10): In my experience, I have seen the native born with rahu mahadasa falls ill regularly. In such sandhis, some of the Dasha Sandhis are bound to cause trouble to the native. Saturn associates with discipline, hard work, karma, patience, ambition, longevity, and delay. In short, this time period enables a person to lay the foundation to become strong and efficient, and. Rahu Mahadasha period is for 18 Years in a Horoscope when it gets active and effects as Antardasha period with all the planets. Rahu Maha Dasha Good Or Bad Effects. Vimshottari period of mahadasha lord multiply Vimshottari period of antardasha lord/ 120. How can the bad ones be mitigated? - Quora. When Rahu Mahadasha enters the horoscope, then the person starts engaging in illegal activities. No i am a capricorn ascendant. It will be unfavourable during the Antardasa period of Ketu. Ketu Mahadasha – Results, Impacts and hardships of Ketu Dasha for 7 Years. am entering with rahu mahadosha and. Defamation cases and loss of. Because of the consequence of the center planet Ketu, Mool Nakshatra can result in something severe and unfortunate. Rahu's uncertainty prevails in both profit and loss. There will be social mobility, awards, recognition, fruitful travels, enjoyments etc but there will remain a chance of physical illnesses. This is a division of mahadasha period where all the 9 planets would have their influence within the major influence of the planet which is a ruler of mahadasha. Ketu Mahadasha is one of the major ruling periods in the Vishomttari Mahadahsa system. Ketu gives good results when it lies in conjunction with benefic. Support from mother and happiness in family life will start coming in your life during the fourth house Jupiter’s dasha. Rahu on the other hand is an airy planet so the relationship between Mars and Rahu is not that positive. Results of Rahu-Ketu dasha | Ketu vimshottari antardasha under Rahu Maha dasha The shadow planets, Rahu and Ketu, are the two most unfavourable planets. 8years out from the change over date. Step 1> You need to look at the position of your dasha planets in your birth chart. Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Reply. Apart from this, women face problems like abortion and displacement due to Rahu Dasha. • The native experiences growth in all aspects, especially in a career. fourth for him. Example 4. Long back before my father died – my mother had left me when I was 4. the Venus mahadasha is the longest at 20yrs, just coz he is the lagna lord,. While running the Mahadasha will ensure that all your desires will get fulfilled and happiness in your life. Wear a silver chain around the neck. It brings outcome in the pursuance to its stability, strength and status in your natal chart. SATURN MAHADASHA. Mainly the Mahadasha represents intellect, learning, writing, and education. Procedure Of Wearing Hessonite (Gomed) Rahu and Ketu stones should be worn only in specific condtions by consulting with astrologer. Rahu is not a planet in reality; it is just a shadow planet and is. Rahu is shadowy, complex and this dasha can experience many high. Venus dasa - 20 years. The Chandra is the lord of the 12 th house which is a malefic planet for the native born in Leo Ascendant. Venus is strongly linked to love, passion, beauty, marriage, arts, music, creativity, luxuries, wealth, indulgence, sex, media, and fragrances. While running the Mahadasha of Sun in the third house, you will find that the level of your intelligence, courage, status, and confidence will rise. These are the brightest stars. Secondly, the position of Saturn in different houses is malefic or benefic. the fifth for him. However, Venus Mahadasha can be harmful to you if it is conjoined with malefic planets such as Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu and Ketu. The Mercury Mahadasha functions in 2 directions. Maha Dasha.